General Resources The ordination process - a message from Bishop JulianBaptism Service: Letter Size | Booklet Layout | Baptism CertificateBurial of the Dead Liturgy Confirmation ServiceHoly Communion Anglican Standard Text [1662 Order-ADLW]Ecclesiastical Court RulesThe Exhortation BCP, 2019
Diocesan Documents ADLW:Diocesan Constitution and Canons (amended June 2021).Annual Oath of ConformityOaths and Declarations for Ordinands and ClergyACNA:ACNA Title II, Canon 7: of Christian Marriage
Additional Resources and Information Apart from His GraceBibliography | ComplementarianismBook of Common Prayer (1979) Critique for ADLWObservable Symptoms of BurnoutThe Deacons Mass - The Case for A ReappraisalThe Sufficiency of ScriptureWhy we pray the prayer of Humble AccessInspiration, Infallibility and Inerrancy of ScriptureThe reserved sacrament and our catholic Christology